Friday, April 27, 2012

Last Week of Classes

This is the last week of classes and I have very mixed feelings about going home. Of course I can't wait to see my family and my friends, but I am going to miss the friends I have made here. I decided to make a pro-con list of staying here and going home.

Pros of Going Home-

  • No schoolwork
  • Home-cooked meals 
  • My mom doing my laundry (hopefully)
  • Not paying for everything (gunna have to use my puppy dog face to achieve this one)
  • Seeing friends
  • Spending time with family
  • Beach and vacations!
Cons of Going Home-
  • Missing everyone here 
  • Parents can tell me what to do (kinda)
  • Not being able to eat Big-O pizza
  • The 9 hour drive home
  • Spending TOO much time with family (they can be annoying)
  • Colder weather for now
See my pros and cons are pretty much of the same amount, so my emotions are conflicted. For now I am just so happy that it is the last day of classes! Now I have to get through 3 finals and then decide if I'm happy or sad to be on my way home. 

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